The MUSE event "Art For Science - Unlocking Art power for Science&Research" will be held in Montpellier, France, on 27&28 September 2019.
Built in partnership with MSH Sud, MUSE and Wageningen University, the event is inspired by the desire to explore new ways of producing scientific knowledge through experimental and non-conventional research methods and approaches involving artistic&creative media.
Our objective is to bring together a dynamic community of researchers, practitioners, artists and citizens to collect and share original artistic methods for research but also the experiences of practitioners who have contributed to articulating a research approach to artistic tools, media and practices.
Join us for the 1st Symposium Art For Science, an innovative and inspiring event that includes plenary sessions, training sessions, field trips and art exhibitions!
Call for submissions
This European symposium invites dialogue between the scientific world and the world of action and development, between art and science.
Research often lacks creative utopias. Art in its diversity, and as a particular field of knowledge, can be an innovative way to open new perspectives for scientists, and more broadly, to create new alliances between science&society or between nature and culture. Artistic processes and practices make it possible to develop imagination, provide meaning, explore new and sensitive dimensions of reality, and involve society in the production of scientific knowledge.
The objective of the event, beyond the collection and sharing of experiences, approaches and knowledge, is to inspire participatory action research by opening it to other methods, but also to propose new forms of valorization and understanding of scientific knowledge based on creative media or dissemination techniques.
We are calling here for contributions that can take different forms, from people who have experienced art as a vehicle for an original alliance between science&society or nature&culture; and who can testify to the different impacts of their experience. In addition, we hope to be able to reflect on the modalities of transdisciplinarity offered by these artistic mediations.
Different type of submissions
Paper: A "paper" is a traditional contribution. It is a proposal for an abstract for a short oral lecture or poster, which will be presented either in an interactive workshop or in a more informal moment. After validation by the scientific committee, you will be invited to submit an article or poster.
Exhibition: it is a creative contribution based on photos, films, painting collections and theatrical performances. - Include in your summary proposal details of the material means and requirements: indicate how much time will be required for projection or representation; also clearly indicate the type of space required and possibly the surface area.
Practicalsession: it is a proposal for an activity to be carried out and shared within a workshop, it can be a method or an experience of your work that engages participants in a practical way. Please specify in your summary the language of the intervention, the target audience, programme, objectives and expectations of the session.
Invited speakers
François Bousquet, HDR Researcher at CIRAD in environmental sciences on issues of resilience and attachments, François is also host of the Agropolis Forum Theatre troupe and a member of the MAGMA playback theatre troupe. In particular, it mobilizes the theatre-forum as part of its research in Africa.
Alan Vergnes, Senior Lecturer at the Université Paul-Valéry (Montpellier 3) and researcher at the Centre d'écologie fonctionelle et évolutive (CEFE) in landscape and soil ecology, Alan is also a member of the Chaoid collective composed of visual artists and researchers.
Les Artivistes, is an association that brings together researchers, experts, artists, associations, companies, elected officials and citizens in a creative way to support political decisions on socio-environmental issues.
For more information on the invited speakers, please visit the dedicated page.