Scientific Committee



  • Frédérique Jankowski

(Researcher at the french center of agricultural research for cooperation - CIRAD, Montpellier)

A socio-anthropologist of the environment and knowledge, his work focuses on multi-stakeholder mechanisms for the management of renewable resources. As part of her research, Frédérique Jankowski has been developing for several years performative approaches involving photography and participatory theatre formats. These approaches are conceived both as scientific methods for the analysis of cognitive and socio-political dynamics, and as operational mechanisms for collective consultation and the clarification of multiple points of view.



  • Pascale Moity Maizi

(HDR researcher at the UMR - Gouvernance Risque Environnement Developpement-, GRED-IRD Montpellier, Professor at the Institute of Hot Regions - Supagro Montpellier)

An anthropologist of changement, food, technology and knowledge, his studies seek to analyse processes of appropriation and hybridization of standards of public and private origin, at the level of territories - and collectives - where these standards are implemented, in particular in the context of environmental conservation programmes or the enhancement of resources and production specific to these territories, in which the principles of "participatory management" are a priori central.




  • Francois Bousquet

(Senior Researcher at the french center of agricultural research for cooperation - CIRAD, Montpellier)

Recognized expert in environmental sciences on issues of resilience and attachment, François Bousquet is also a member of the Agropolis forum theatre troupe and a member of the MAGMA playback theatre troupe. In particular, it mobilizes the theatre-forum as part of its research in Africa.

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